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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ghostbusters: The Video Game PlayStation 3 Cheats

Normal Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies.

1. We Came, We Saw… (Bronze): Complete the game on "Casual" or "Experienced" difficulty.
2. Slam Dunk! (Bronze): Slam dunk a ghost into a trap.
3. Slime Dunk! (Bronze): Trap a ghost using the Slime Tether.
4. Stasis Dunk! (Bronze): Trap a ghost using the Stasis Stream.
5. I Ain't 'Fraid of No Ghost! (Bronze): Trap a ghost.
6. Aim for the Flat Top! (Bronze): Eliminate a creature.
7. Heat 'Em Up (Bronze): Purchase all upgrades for the Proton Gun.
8. Mother Pus Bucket! (Bronze): Purchase all upgrades for the Slime Gun.
9. We be fast! They be slow! (Bronze): Purchase all upgrades for the Dark Matter Generator.
10. I Don't Want My Face Burned Off (Bronze): Purchase all upgrades for the Meson Collider.
11. The Destructor (Bronze): Complete the game with more than $3,000,000 in property damage.
12. Nice Shootin', Tex! (Bronze): Complete the game with less than $100,000 in property damage.
13. ...And You Want to Keep It? (Bronze): Collect a Cursed Artifact.
14. I'm Picking Up A Signal… (Bronze): Obtain a 100% PKE scan on a paranormal creature.
15. I'm a Ghostbuster, Not a Doctor! (Bronze): Revive your teammates 20 times.
16. I Feel So Funky (Bronze): Get slimed by a charging ghost.
17. Total Protonic Reversal (Bronze): Knock yourself down with your own weapon.
18. You Gotta Try This Pole! (Bronze): Slide down the fire pole.
19. It's Slime Time (Bronze): Use the Slime Tether on 15 ghosts.
20. I Looked at the Trap, Ray! (Bronze): Recover 20 of your own full ghost traps.
21. Kosher! (Bronze): Remedy a dubious food choice to make the bar mitzvah as orthodox as it can be.
22. I Love You When You Rough-House! (Bronze): The tidy architectural office could use some Proton-based humbling.
23. But the Kids Love Us! (Bronze): The children's reading room has a story to tell, but it will take more than your eyes to see it.
24. You Never Studied (Bronze): Keep your ears open to learn everything you can about the Civil War.
25. I've Quit Better Jobs Than This. (Bronze): Some ghosts had a real blowout in the Coat Room. Clean it up?
26. Hedgebuster (Bronze): The hedge maze is a real eyesore; do some Protonic pruning.
27. One down, on the Ground! (Bronze): Airborne coffins are an affront to gravity; use your Proton Pack to avenge Mother Nature!
28. Ghostbusters Drinking Game (Bronze): Quench your thirst wherever possible to avoid being scared spitless.
29. Loans Paid Off (Bronze): More than $100,000 earned in multiplayer.
30. On the Payroll (Bronze): Successfully complete one multiplayer campaign.
31. Egon's Guinea Pig (Bronze): Use one of every Pickup (both Power-ups and Equipment).
32. Payday! (Bronze): Be the overall top earner in each multiplayer campaign setting.
33. It's a Living (Bronze): Trap over 50 ghosts in your multiplayer Ghostbusting career.
34. Wanted! (Bronze): Defeat three Most Wanted Ghosts.
35. Employee of the Month (Bronze): Be top earner in each multiplayer job type.
36. No Job Too Big (Bronze): Defeated all Most Wanted Ghosts
37. Gozer's Most Wanted (Bronze): Successfully complete each Multiplayer job in every location.
38. Overachiever (Bronze): Get over $2,500,000 in multiplayer, over 30 Post-Job Awards, 50 Jobs completed.
39. Are You A God? (Gold): Complete the game on "Professional" difficulty.
40. We Have the Tools! (Gold): Purchase all available equipment upgrades.
41. Spores, Molds, and Fungus (Gold): Collect all Cursed Artifacts.
42. Back Off Man. I'm A Scientist (Gold): Obtain 100% PKE scans for every paranormal creature.
43. Platinum Trophy (Platinum): Awarded for outstanding performance in Ghostbusters!

Secret Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies.

1. Secret trophy (Unknown): Unknown.
2. Secret trophy (Unknown): Unknown.
3. We Have the Talent! (Bronze): Complete the "Firehouse" training level.
4. The Flowers Are Still Standing! (Bronze): Complete the "Welcome to the Hotel Sedgewick" level.
5. Once S'more into the Breach (Bronze): Complete the "Panic in Times Square" level.
6. Get Her! (Bronze): Complete the "Checking Out the Library" level.
7. Ghost Fever Grips New York (Bronze): Complete the "Museum of (Super)Natural History" level.

Bonus options
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding entry at the "Options" menu.

1. Equipment Strength Upgrade: Collect all art.
2. Faster Health Recovery: Collect 50% of the art.
3. Gozerian Rookie Outfit: Complete the game under the Gozerian difficulty. This outfit will allow you to be immune to sliming.
4. Increased Scanning Speed: Scan 50% of the ghosts and scannable objects.
5. Invulnerability: Complete the game with all art collected and scan 100% of the ghosts and scannable objects.
6. No Equipment Overheat: Scan 100% of the ghosts of scannable objects.

Ed's Drawing
Upstairs in the Ghostbusters' HQ there is a kid's drawing on a pink piece of paper hanging by a lot of electrical equipment. It says "To Uncle Egon, from Ed." This is a reference to the fan made Ghostbusters movies "Freddy Vs. Ghostbusters" and "The Return of The Ghostbusters", where Egon's nephew Ed Spengler creates the Denver Ghostbusters.

Easy Nice Shootin' Tex Achievement/Trophy
This exploit requires both a hard drive and a memory card to perform. This Achievement/Trophy requires you to beat the game with less than $100,000 in damage, no small feat. Have at least one completed game on the hard drive and start a new game using the memory card. Get to the first real mission (not the training one), then save and quit. Now, load up your hard drive save file and go to the final boss fight. Go into the options menu and go to the gameplay option and change the memory setting to the memory card save. Finish off the boss and the Achievement / Trophy is yours.

Fountain Locations
Fountain 1: At the firehouse. You only need to drink from this fountain once (even though you revisit the firehouse many times).

Fountain 2: At soon as you enter the Sedgewick Hotel, the soda machine room to your right.

Fountain 3: After the water drains from the hallway (at the Sedgewick) but before you reach the Sargassi Lounge, check the corner of the elevator lobby for the fountain.

Fountain 4: In the laundromat Zeddemore breaks into at Times Square. It'll be by the cursed artifact, pushing bone - in the back room - so to speak.

Fountain 5: After the cut-scene of Hoss and Stanz and the two office workers in the elevator at Times Square, you will be at the architectural office. The fountain is at the corner of the hall.

Fountain 6: Public Library. The hallway leading to the juvenile reading room will have this water fountain.

Fountain 7: After the Egyptian and Mummification exhibits at the Museum, Venkman will spring out to surprise Hoss and Zeddemore in a maintenance hallway. The fountain is there, right next to the Azatoth Head artifact.

Fountain 8: When revisiting the Sedgewick, you need to turn the power back on at the generator room. The fountain is in the generator room.

NES Ghostbusters Ending Screen
In the Ghostbusters headquarters, one of the monitors on the upstairs desks has the ending screen from the original Ghostbusters game on the NES. The monitor comes complete with all the spelling and punctuation errors.

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