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Monday, June 20, 2011

The Godfather: The Don's Edition PlayStation 3 Cheats

Cheat Mode
At the pause menu enter one of the following codes:

Code: - Result:

Square, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle, L3 - Extra $5,000 (There is a 5 minute lockout before the code can be re-enabled. To bypass this, save the game once the code has been entered and quit the game. Then reload the saved game.)

Triangle, Left, Triangle, Right, Square, R3 - Full Ammo

Left, Square, Right, Triangle, Right, L3 - Full Health

Unlock all movies
Enter Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Square, L3 at the "Join The Family" main menu.

Complete the indicated mission or number of film reels to unlock the corresponding movie.

1. Regarding Sollozzo: "The Alley" mission
2. Mr. Bonasera: "The Enforcer" mission
3. Meeting With Sollozzo: "A Grave Situation" mission
4. Sicilian Sign: "Sleeping With The Fishes" mission
5. Five Shots: "The Don Is Dead" mission
6. Sonny And Tom Disagree: "Intensive Care" mission
7. Sonny And Tom Argue Again: "Fireworks" mission
8. Mr. Woltz: "Death To The Traitor " mission
9. Trigger Too Tight: "Horseplay" mission
10. Mattresses Montage: "A Recipe For Revenge" mission
11. Where's Michael?: "Now it's Personal" mission
12. Spoiled Guinea Brat: "The Silent Witness" mission
13. Carlo Learns A Lesson: "Sonny's War" mission
14. Are You Ready To Do Me This Favor?: "Change Of Plans" mission
15. The Don's Demise: "Order To Kill" mission
16. Carlo Goes For A Ride: "It's Only Business" mission
17. The Baptism: "Baptism By Fire" mission
18. Johnny Fontane: Collect 10 film reels
19. Don Sends Luca On An Errand: Collect 20 film reels
20. Luca's Demise: Collect 30 film reels
21. The Don Is Dead: Collect 40 film reels
22. Whack Paulie: Collect 55 film reels
23. Good Morning Mr. Woltz: Collect 70 film reels
24. Sonny At The Tollbooth: Collect 85 film reels
25. Sorry Sally: Collect 100 film reels

Execution styles
For the executions that require you to press R1, your enemy must be low enough on health for it to work. Only performing the execution styles on mobsters will count toward the execution achievements.

1. Back Of The Head execution: Using a pistol, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
2. Barehanded Kneeling execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press R1.
3. Barehanded Standing execution: Without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
4. Between The Eyes execution: Using a revolver, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
5. Blackhand execution: Kill your enemy with your fists without grabbing them.
6. Blackhand Grapple execution: Kill your enemy with your fists while grabbing them.
7. Bombs Away execution: Kill your enemy with dynamite, a bomb, an explosive barrel, or an explosive crate.
8. Bottle execution: Kill your enemy by throwing a bottle at them.
9. Chin Up execution: Using a 2x4, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1. 2x4s can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street.
10. Clavicle Crush execution: Using a tire iron, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
11. Cocktail Hour execution: Kill your enemy with a Molotov.
12. Crooked Cop execution: Using a police baton, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
13. Disarmed execution: Shoot your enemy in the shoulder to make them drop their weapon.
14. Double Play execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a baseball bat, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press R1.
15. Face-off execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a shotgun. Lock on to them and press R1.
16. Foot In Mouth execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a magnum. Lock on to them, then press R1.
17. Gut Shot execution: Using a shotgun, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
18. Hard Head execution: Kill your enemy by slamming their head into a counter or other low object.
19. Hats Off execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a pistol. Lock on to them and press R1.
20. Headstrong execution: Using a Tommy gun, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
21. How's Your Leg execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a golf club or shovel. Lock on to them, and press R1.
22. Kneecapped execution: Shoot your enemy in the knee.
23. Last Gasp execution: Strangle your enemy to death with your bare hands.
24. Look at Me execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a revolver, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press R1.
25. Magnum execution: Kill your enemy with a magnum.
26. Melee Weapon execution: Kill your enemy using any melee weapon.
27. Neck Boned execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a tire iron. Lock on to them and press R1.
28. Neck Kink execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a police baton, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press R1.
29. Over Cooked execution: Throw your enemy into a furnace. Furnaces can be found in bakeries and funeral homes.
30. Pipe Down execution: Using a lead pipe, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
31. Pistol execution: Kill your enemy with a pistol.
32. Protect Ya Neck execution: Using a golf club or shovel, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
33. Revolver execution: Kill your enemy with a revolver.
34. Riddled With Lead execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a Tommy gun, lock on to them, and press R1.
35. Road Rage execution: Kill your enemy by running them over with a car.
36. Shotgun execution: Kill your enemy with a shotgun.
37. Sicilian Candle execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a 2x4, lock on to them, and press R1. 2x4s can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street.
38. Silent Assassin execution: Strangle your enemy to death using the garrote wire.
39. Stained Glass execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them through a window.
40. Sure Shot execution: Kill your enemy with a head shot.
41. Taste My Chamber execution: Using a magnum, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1.
42. Tommy Gun execution: Kill your enemy with a Tommy gun.
43. Traffic Accident execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them in front of a moving vehicle. Do not stand in front of traffic or it will stop; stand to the side of the road.
44. Wallpapered execution: Kill your enemy by slamming them against a wall.
45. Watch Your Step execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them off a roof, ledge, two-story window, etc.
46. Wrenched execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a lead pipe, lock on to them, and press R1.
47. You're Out execution: Using a baseball bat, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press R1. Note: There is a glitch in the onscreen message, which will call it a "Melee Standing Execution".

Tattaglias compound
When you think you are ready for the challenge, take on a compound. The Tattaglias in northeast Brooklyn might be the weakest family in New York, but that does not mean they are going to let you walk right in. Bring some bombs along and blow up the support pillars in the basements. You may start a mob war, but if you are successful you will have a new safe house with a group of guards.

Marlon Brando's last appearance
Play the mission when you go to the hospital to protect the Don. After you kill the first assassin and Michael Corleone tells you to go to the basement, go foward and make a left. You should see a door with Michael Corleone talking to Vito Corleone while he is in the hospital bed. Listen to the conversation carefully. This is the real Marlo Brando talking, recorded while he was hospitalized.

Easy special kills
On missions where you have to kill an important figure in a certain way (such as pushing them off a roof or into a furnace), you can do this easier by luring your opponent over the hazard you must use to kill them before fighting with them. Just avoid them and run over to the hazard. They will come over to you. Beat them up a bit but do not kill them completely. Then, grab them by holding L1 + R1, and swing them so they have their back to the hazard. Then, push forward with the Analog-sticks to shove them to their death.

Shooting enemies behind cover
When you are locked onto an enemy who is hiding behind a crate or low object, keep locking on but use the Right Analog-stick to move the crosshair to a part of their body that is sometimes sticking out, like their head or arm. This will help you kill them easier.

All the safe houses that you pay for have ammo caches. When low on ammunition or health, you can go into these houses and restock. They are the orange houses on the map, and most are in hotels.

Recommended weapons
Do not waste money on safe houses. You can make it fine with just the ones you get in the story. Instead, save money for clothing and weapons. All the best weapons cost a lot but are well worth it. The Saturday Night Special is a better revolver and it will cost $75,000. The Assassin's Pistol is better gun and costs about $200,000. The Python a better magnum will cost $250,000. The Dillinger is a machine gun that costs $450,000. Finally, the Street Sweeper, which works like a shotgun, sells for $500,000 and will kill most people in one shot.

Losing police quickly
If you commit a lot of damage and kill a lot of people, you will get wanted stars. If you get enough stars, the police will chase and shoot you. To lose them, just move to a different area. All of your stars will immediately go away.

Easy money
Visit the sewer system. The entrance is directly south of the westernmost Tattaglia warehouse on the Hell's Kitchen Loop. Prepare for a battle. The crate containing the money you are after is guarded by a group of heavily armed bell-boys.

Car chases
When you are being pursued by enemies in a car, let them drive up on your side. Usually they will come up near your rear on your left or right. Then, look ahead and lure them into an accident. Usually they will smash into something like oncoming traffic or a wall if you time it correctly. They will eventually come back and catch up to you, but if you keep doing this you can get them to blow themselves up (because you cannot shoot out your car at them).

Use the following trick when you go to a hub, warehouse, or compound with people and cars blocking your way. Get a truck and run into the cars and people until it catches on fire. Then, finish off the other people that are still alive.

Taking over compounds
To take over a compound, equip your self with ammunition for all your guns, or you can use one powerful gun to kill other gangsters and take their gun. You must have cover at any time possible. Note: When behind the bushes to the left of the entrance they can shoot you through the bushes. Once inside, do the same thing and always have cover. Then, run downstairs. In the back house there are two men. One is behind a box and there is another behind a pilaer. After those two are dead, set the time bomb (not dynamite). If needed, stay in the basement and die, then drive back and repeat on the other house.

"The Don Is Dead" mission
Break the windows in the barber shop before start the mission. This will allow for easy shooting once the Don is shot. The recommended gun for this and any other close range shooting mission is the magnum.

"The Alley" mission: Easy money
After completing the mission getting the your first gun down the alley to your left, go back to the alley you beat the thugs up at. Shoot the crate. It will have $1,000 inside.

Tattaglias compound
When you think you are ready for the challenge, take on a compound. The Tattaglias in northeast Brooklyn might be the weakest family in New York, but that does not mean they are going to let you walk right in. Bring some bombs along and blow up the support pillars in the basements. You may start a mob war, but if you are successful you will have a new safe house with a group of guards.

Unlimited ammunition and $1 million
Reach the "Don Of New York City" rank at a 91.5% game completion. Note: you will get unlimited ammunition for all of your guns only. Bombs, dynamite, and Molotov Cocktails are not infinite, and melee weapons can still wear out.

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