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Friday, August 5, 2011

Infamous PlayStation 3 Cheats

Normal Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies.
1. Just Scratched the Surface (Bronze): Collect all Dead Drops in the Neon District.
2. Further Down the Rabbit Hole (Bronze): Collect all Dead Drops in the Warren.
3. You're so Sly (Bronze): Collect all Dead Drops in the Historic District.
4. Junior Geologist (Bronze): Find 25% of the Shards.
5. Member of the Mineral Club (Bronze): Find 50% of the Shards.
6. Rockhound (Bronze): Find 100% of the Shards.
7. Frequent Flyer (Bronze): Travel 5 kilometers using Static Thrusters.
8. Hotfoot (Bronze): Travel 25 kilometers while riding the rails.
9. Electric Hobo (Bronze): Ride the train for 2 kilometers.
10. Casey Jones (Bronze): Take down 25 enemies while riding on a moving train.
11. Road Kill (Bronze): Take down 25 enemies while riding on the roof of a moving vehicle.
12. Drop Everything (Bronze): Thunder Drop for a total distance of at least 500 meters.
13. AC/DC (Bronze): Drain 750 megawatts of power from Empire City.
14. Get Off My Cloud (Bronze): Get 100 High Fall take downs.
15. Red Baron (Bronze): Take down 100 enemies while they are airborne.
16. Fish in a Barrel (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies by using water.
17. True Potential (Bronze): Purchase every upgrade for a single power.
18. Oh, You've Done This Before (Bronze): Take down 50 enemies by sticking them with a grenade.
19. The Hunger (Bronze): Bio Leech 100 enemies.
20. Doctor Cole (Bronze): Heal 250 pedestrians.
21. Good Eats (Bronze): Good guys feed the needy.
22. Evil Eats (Bronze): Bad guys never share their food.
23. Good Riot (Bronze): Good guys stand up and take the heat.
24. Evil Riot (Bronze): Bad guys love starting riots.
25. Good Train (Bronze): Good guys proactively facilitate transportation solutions.
26. Evil Train (Bronze): Bad guys make it clear who the boss is.
27. Good Exposure (Bronze): Good guys are heroes to others.
28. Evil Exposure (Bronze): Bad guys love to be seen.
29. Good Sphere (Bronze): Good guys put a stop to the madness.
30. Evil Sphere (Bronze): Bad guys always want more power.
31. Good Intentions (Bronze): Good guys work for the greater good.
32. Evil Intentions (Bronze): Bad guys can't say goodbye.
33. Stunt Man (Bronze): Complete any one stunt from the stunt list.
34. Stunt Coordinator (Bronze): Complete 10 of the stunts on the stunt list.
35. Good Finish (Silver): Beat the game as a Hero.
36. Evil Finish (Silver): Beat the game while Infamous.
37. Community Organizer (Silver): Take over all territory in the Neon District.
38. Civic Leader (Silver): Take over all territory in the Warren.
39. Urban Designer (Silver): Take over all territory in the Historic District.
40. Evil to the Core (Silver): Purchase every negative Karma upgrade for each power.
41. True Hero (Silver): Purchase every positive Karma upgrade for each power.
42. Goody Two Shoes (Silver): Reach full positive Karma.
43. Truly Infamous (Silver): Reach full negative Karma.
44. Stunt Master (Silver): Complete all of the stunts on the stunt list.
45. Hard Finish (Gold): Finish story mode on Hard, without changing the difficulty setting.
46. inFamous Platinum Trophy (Platinum): Collect all other inFamous trophies.

Secret Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies.
1. Back With Trish (Bronze): Reconciled with Trish.
2. Confirmed Bachelor (Bronze): Trish hates you.
3. Taking Out The Trash (Bronze): Defeat Alden.
4. Clean Up Your Act (Silver): Defeat Sasha.

Recover energy
Use your lightning bolt (which does not cost energy) to charge light post, battery, or another object that can be drained of energy. Drain it after it is charged. If the object does not explode, your entire energy meter will be filled.

Charge Now, Pay Later
Although there are tons of energy sources for you to drain in most cases, you sometimes get caught in a tough spot trying to survive at a location where there's no more energy to drain.
Use your lightning bolt (costs no ENG) to charge a battery, light post, green dumpster, train car, or other drained energy source, then drain it once it is charged. If the object doesn't overload and explode like Zeke's batteries, you will be able to recuperate your entire energy meter and have a good place to use your precision shot to take out enemies.

When enemies are firing on your position with rocket launchers etc. you, if it, could lose all of your health, if not most of it. To avoid this, move about, then while your enemies are reloading take your shot and throw some lightning grenades. Doing this can get you out of some really hairy situations especially if the enemy is using guns that can miss you easily if you are moving.

Infinite XP
After you get Thunderstorm you have to protect three separate electrical boxes to restore power. Use Thunderstorm to do so, then die, walk away from a box your protecting or restart the mission all togeather to keep all the XP you have earned. If you're using Thunderstorm you can kill everyone very quickly and rack up a good deal of XP quickly.

Easy AC/DC Trophy
An easy way to get the AC/DC Trophy is to go to one of the substations and, before you re-establish the circuit, absorb electricity from it. It doesn't run out, so after a few minutes the Trophy will be yours.

Corpse Batteries
Once you have killed someone, shock their body with your basic lightning bolts (no energy needed). While they are sparking, use L2 to absorb the energy and recharge.

Easy XP
In The Warren, find a Dustmen Conduit. These guys spawn small, scorpion-like creatures. These creatures die very easily, and the Conduit will spawn 3 at a time at a frequent rate. Find a safe spot (like a rooftop) where the Conduit will have trouble hitting you with his rocket launcher, and the creatures won't be able to get you. Then from up there you can safely attack the creatures for easy, unlimited XP.

Charge Now, Pay Later II
After shocking a pedestrian once, walk up to them, lock on, and press SQUARE repeatedly to. You will suck the life out of them and replenish your power.

View Your Game Stats
You can view your stats for a saved game by highlighting it in the Load or Save Game menu.

Charge Now, Pay Later
Although there are tons of energy sources for you to drain in most cases, you sometimes get caught in a tough spot trying to survive at a location where there's no more energy to drain.
Use your lightning bolt (costs no ENG) to charge a battery, light post, green dumpster, train car, or other drained energy source, then drain it once it is charged. If the object doesn't overload and explode like Zeke's batteries, you will be able to recuperate your entire energy meter and have a good place to use your precision shot to take out enemies.

Infinite Experience
You have to be an Outlaw or Infamous to attempt this. Go to the prison where there are ample SWAT officers. Take a SWAT officer out, but don't kill him. Instead, use the Healing Touch Triangle move and, while he's getting up, take him out again. Do this repeatedly for infinite experience.

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