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Monday, February 20, 2012

Ratchet And Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction PlayStation 3 Cheats

Challenge mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock Challenge mode. This mode allows weapons to be upgraded to level 10, but with more difficult enemies. Additionally, you can buy the Golden Groovitron in Challenge mode for 2 million Raritanium.

Obtain all Holo-plans.

RYNO 4Ever
Play in challenge mode and fully upgrade your RYNO IV. You can then purchase the RNYO 4Ever from a weapons merchant for 50 million bolts.

Climb any wall
You can climb just about any wall using the Razor Claws, or any version of them. Walk up to a wall. High jump (keep R2 held), then attack the wall with the claws, and quickly jump again. Repeat this as many times as desired. If done correctly, you should be climbing a wall that you are not supposed to be scaling.

Refill health
When you are low on health, go to a nearby vendor. Whether or not you buy anything, your health will be refilled when you exit the vendor.

Easy Bolts
Use the following trick to get the Bolt Multiplier to 20X and earn lots of Bolts. To do this, you must have completed the game at least once so that you are in Challenge mode. Go to the Battle Arena on Planet Mukow, and choose the "They Were On Sale" fight (with the hundred bomb bots). Once the battle has starts, use a Mr. Zurkow, then start throwing the Nano Bugs (small turrets that shoot bugs). Next, use any weapon to kill what does not die from the turrets. The Pyrocitor is recommended if it is level 6 or above. Do this three times for your Bolt Multiplier to be at 20X and get lots of Bolts.

When upgrading, try to stick with one gun until you have maxed to the highest available level. If there are any bosses coming up in close levels, they will be much easier to take down rather than having lots of V1 guns.

Omega Plasma Stalker
When you have completed the game once and the 'Omega Plasma Stalker' is available for purchase in the weapons vendor, buy it. This gun is cheap considering you now have the bolts multiplier and it can take out huge groups of strong enemies in one hit.

once you are on challenge mode and you have the ten million bolt armour unlocked, buy that instead of an Omega gun. None of the guns can shield you from enemy fire but the armour can. It absorbs 65% of enemy fire enemy fire so you don't recieve as much damage.

When you have reached Planet Mukow (?) with the arena there are several statues that can be found which will allow you to gain access to the 'Terror of...' course. Completing this course will allow you to recieve the 'Charge Boots'. These boots are very helpful if you are low on health and you need to get away from enemies.

When you have access to the arena, try fighting as many fights as possible to gain bolts that will allow you to buy new guns and armour. This is better on challenge mode where you get the bolt multiplier, which multiplies your boltsand raritanium by 2...3...4...etc.

Extras/Concept Art
Obtain the required number of skill points in order to unlock each feature.
1. James the Galactic Defender: 400 SP
2. 2006 GDC Trailer: 150 SP
3. 2007 E3 Trailer: 25 SP
4. Big Head Enemies: 100 SP
5. Big Head Mode (Ratchet only): 50 SP
6. Character Concept Art: 75 SP
7. Enviornment Concept Art: 250 SP
8. Levels are Mirrored: 500 SP
9. Ratchet Drawing Tutorial: 350 SP
10. Script to Screen: 600 SP
11. Weapon Concept Art: 450 SP
12. Wrench Replacement: 300 SP

Skill Points
1. Chorus Line (General): Make eleven enemies dance together.
2. Promoted to Inspector: Get every gadget.
3. Cheapskate (General): Purchase a single Combuster shot.
4. Disco Inferno (General): Use the Groovitron followed by the Pyro Blaster.
5. Golden Children (General): Get all Gold Bolts.
6. Bolts in the Bank (General): Sell 20 Leviathan Souls to the Smuggler.
7. Happy Feat (General): Get nine penguins dancing on screen.
8. It's like the South Pole Here (General): Turn at least fifteen enemies or citizens into penguins at one time.
9. Smashing Good Time (Planet Cobalia): Destroy all crates and consumer robots on port and gel factory.
10. I Should Have Gone Down in a Barrel (Planet Cobalia): Jump into each of the two Gelatonium waterfalls in the Cobalia Gelatonium plant.
11. Giant Hunter (Planet Cobalia): Kill all Basilisk Leviathans in the Cobalia wilderness.
12. We Don't Need No Stinkin' Bridges! (Planet Kortog): Cross the Tripad sequence using gel cube bounces. Note: You do not need to use the gel cubes; you just have to cross the area without activating the bridge.
13. Minesweeper (Voron Asteroid Belt): Clear out ten to fifteen mines.
14. Whats that, R2? (Voron Asteroid Belt): Barrel roll ten times.
15. One Heckuva Peephole (Planet Mukow): Use the Geo-Laser to blast through the wall. Follow the path you took to get to the arena the first time. Eventually Clank will begin to sense the laser area.
16. Alphabet City (Nundac Asteroid Ring): Teleport to each of the Siz asteroids in alphabetical order.
17. Dancin' with the Stars (Nundac Asteroid Ring): Make five enemies dance at once on an asteroid (Upper part of Beta).
18. Preemptive Strike (Planet Ardolis): Destroy five of the Thwogs while they are sleeping.
19. I've Got Places to Be (Rakar Star Cluster): Destroy Iron Crotch Caruso in under 2:30.
20. Pretty Lights (Rakar Star Cluster): Do not destroy any Snatchers.
21. Untouchable (Rykan V): Do not take damage in the Gyro-Cycle.
22. The Consumer is Not (Always) Right (Rykan V): Destroy eighteen consumer robots.
23. It Sounded Like a Freight Train (Planet Sargasso): Get eleven Anthropods in one tornado.
24. Extinction (Planet Sargasso): Kill all the Sargasso Grunthors (Leviathans).
25. Head Examiner (Planet Sargasso): Land on all of the Troglosaur heads.
26. Seared Ahi (Planet Viceron): Use the Pyro Blaster on three Drophyds after freeing them from their robotic suits.
27. Dancing on the Ceiling (Planet Viceron): Successfully use the Groovitron on a Gravity Ramp.
28. Can't Touch This (Verdigris Black Hole): Do not take damage before fighting Greasepalms McGee.
29. Fire With Fire (Planet Jasindu): Kill two Kerchu Pyroguards with the Pyro Blaster.
30. Six Gun Salute (Ublik Passage): Get six pirates in a row to salute Ratchet while wearing the Holo-Pirate disguise.

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