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Friday, March 2, 2012

Resistance 2 PlayStation 3 Cheats

More Difficulty Settings
To unlock Arcade Difficulty, beat the game on at least Normal Difficulty. To unlock Superhuman Difficulty, beat the game on Arcade Difficulty.

Super Hybrid Weapons
Obtain five silver trophies.

Mirror levels
Unlock three Silver trophies.

Completion bonuses
Successfully complete Campaign mode to unlock the following bonuses.
- Arcade mode
- Chapter concept art
- Depth Of Field option (more colorful view)
- Level concept art
- Motion Blur option (blurry view)
- Screen Tint option (black, white, yellow, and blue only view)
- Vehicle and weapon concept art

Easy Co-op mode with single player
This trick requires two controllers. To play Co-op mode by yourself without dying and ending the mission, press Start on the second controller. Choose a class and start the mission. Leave that player safe somewhere away from danger then go off and complete the missions with the other player. You will respawn instead of dying and ending your mission. You also can gain levels without getting online.

Extra Ammunition
When you find a weapon you like and you already have it in your arsenal, don't take it. Instead, replace it with another weapon. Then go take that weapon you like. You will have even more ammo this time instead of taking only one clip. This is a good way to conserve ammo for weapons like the Rossmore, which has only 16 bullets.

In the Garfield park level there is an actual easter egg laying under the broken off bridge. If you walk out on the lone beam in the middle, turn around and look to the bottom left of the screen, you will see the easter egg.

Bronze Trophies
Unlockable PS3 trophy rewards:
1. Rampage!: Kill 40 hybrids in the Single Player Campaign.
2. Covert Ops: Collect 5 pieces of Intel in the Single Player Campaign.
3. Nowhere to Hide: Tag and kill 30 enemies with the Bullseye in the Single Player Campaign.
4. Sharpshooter: Get 30 headshots while scoped in with the Fareye or Marksman in the Single Player Campaign.
5. Explosives Expert: Get 150 kills with the Carbine 40mm, LAARK, or Frag Grenade in the Single Player Campaign.
6. They Go "Boom": Get 30 kills with the Magnum secondary fire in the Single Player Campaign.
7. Pyromaniac: Set 100 enemies of fire with the Bellock Semi-Automic, Air-Fuel Grenade, Spider Grenade, or environmental hazard in the Single Player Campaign.
8. Spitting Lead: Kill 50 enemies using the Wraith with the force barrier engaged in the Single Player Campaign.
9. I See You: Kill 50 enemies through solid matter with the Auger in the Single Player Campaign.
10. Talk To The Hand: Use the Auger force barrier to stop 150 incoming enemy shots in the single player Campaign.
11. For Close Encounters: Get 10 one-hit head-shot kills with the Shotgun in the Single Player Campaign.
12. Pincushion: Get 50 kills with the Hedgehog in the Single Player Campaign.
13. Up Close and Personal: Get 50 melee kills with any weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
14. Wrecking Machine: Destroy 40 vehicles in the Single Player Campaign.
15. Mind Your Surroundings: Get 50 indirect kills using explosive objects in levels in the Single Player Campaign.
16. Berserker: Use every berserk at least once in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
17. Specter Recon: Collect 50 pieces of gray tech in the Cooperative Campaign.
18. Specter Initiate: Complete 20 missions in the Cooperative Campaign.
19. Team Player: Complete 5 missions with a full party of 8 in the Cooperative Campaign.
20. Tour of Duty: Complete one mission on each region in the Cooperative Campaign.

Silver Trophies
Unlockable PS3 trophy rewards:
1. Salute Me: Achieve the rank of Lieutenant.
2. Exotic Weapon Collector: Get 20 kills with each weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
3. Master Spy: Collect all the Intel documents in the Single Player Campaign.
4. Snipe Hunt: Kill 30 Spinners in the Single Player Campaign.
5. Xenocide: Kill 1000 enemies in the Single Player Campaign.
6. Point Man: Earn 1 million XP from ranked games in online Competitive mode.
7. Specter Officer: Reach max level (30) with one class in the Cooperative Campaign.
8. Primarch Hunter: Kill 200 Elite Chimerans in the Cooperative Campaign.

Gold Trophies
Unlockable PS3 trophy rewards:
1. Killing Machine: Score 10,000 kills in ranked matches in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
2. Specter Intel: Collect all Intel in the Cooperative Campaign.

Secret Trophies
Unlockable PS3 trophy rewards:
1. Recycler (Bronze): Defeat the Goliath in the Single Player Campaign.
2. Fried Calamari (Bronze): Defeat the Kraken in the Single Player Campaign.
3. Exterminator (Bronze): Defeat the Mother Spinner in the Single Player Campaign.
4. Flyswatter (Bronze): Defeat the Swarm in the Single Player Campaign.
5. The Bigger They Are (Bronze): Defeat the Leviathan in the Single Player Campaign.
6. Big Game Hunter (Bronze): Defeat the Marauder in the Single Player Campaign.
7. R.I.P. Jordan Shepherd (Gold): Defeat Daedalus, Complete the Single Player Campaign.
8. OMGWTFBBQ (Gold): Complete the Single Player Campaign on Superhuman.
9. Platinum Trophy (Platinum): Obtain all Gold, Silver, and Bronze Trophies for Resistance 2.

Beat the game once on any difficulty level, and you can find new killing tools in these locations:
1. Splitter: During "A Desperate Gamble," it's on the second floor of the mall next to the viending machines by the windows.
2. Reapers: During the "Gauntlet," you'll find it inside the house, in front of the square.
3. L11-2 Dragon: During "Evacuation," it's inside the small bunker at the end of the Radial Mine path.
4. Backlash Grenade: During the "Cathedral," it's inside the house on the first room on the left.
5. Arc charger: During "No Way Out," it's at the end of the hallway near the officer's quarters

Special Ops items
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding item. Note: You must have sufficient grey tech to purchase the unlocked weapons.
1. Level 01: Marksmen (Weapon)
2. Level 01: Prototype Ammo (Berserk)
3. Level 10: Proximity Mines (Berserk)
4. Level 12: Snake Eyes (Berserk)
5. Level 12: L23 Fareye (Weapon)
6. Level 14: Shock Suppressor
7. Level 16: Assault Pack
8. Level 18: Auger (Weapon)
9. Level 02: Bullseye (Weapon)
10. Level 22: Hawkeye Scope
11. Level 24: Voltaic Body Armor
12. Level 26: Mag-Propulsion Barrel
13. Level 28: Bellock (Weapon)
14. Level 30: Psychokinetic Helmet
15. Level 04: Invisiblity (Berserk)
16. Level 06: Kinetic Gloves
17. Level 08: High Density Ammo Chamber

Soldier items
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding item. Note: You must have sufficient grey tech to purchase the unlocked weapons.
1. Level 01: HVAP Wraith (Weapon)
2. Level 01: Ironheart (Berserk)
3. Level 10: Auger (Weapon)
4. Level 12: Air Fuel Grenades (Weapon: Grenades)
5. Level 12: Backlash (Berserk)
6. Level 14: Advanced Timing Motor
7. Level 16: Assault Pack
8. Level 18: Bullseye (Weapon)
9. Level 02: Rossmore 238 (Weapon)
10. Level 24: Voltaic Body Armor
11. Level 26: Precision Scope
12. Level 28: Laark (Weapon)
13. Level 30: Psychokinetic Helmet
14. Level 04: Overload (Berserk)
15. Level 06: Kinetic Gloves
16. Level 08: High Capacity Ammo Belt

Medic items
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding item. Note: You must have sufficient grey tech to purchase the unlocked weapons.
1. Level 01: Phoenix (Weapon)
2. Level 01: Ring of Life (Berserk)
3. Level 10: Rossmore 238 (Weapon)
4. Level 12: Phoenix Ash (Berserk)
5. Level 14: Bioplasm Tracking Tech
6. Level 16: Assault Pack
7. Level 18: HE .44 Magnum (Weapon)
8. Level 02: M5A2 Carbine (Weapon)
9. Level 22: Bio-amp Scope
10. Level 24: Voltaic Body Armor
11. Level 26: Leech Barrel
12. Level 28: V7 Splicer (Weapon)
13. Level 30: Psychokinetic Helmet
14. Level 04: Chloroform (Berserk)
15. Level 06: Kinetic Gloves
16. Level 08: High Density Bioplasm Chamber

Competitive mode items
Reach the indicated level in Competitive mode to unlock the corresponding item.
1. Ammo clips, Hip pack 3, Backpack 6: Reach level 6
2. Backpack 1, Heatstack 3, Heatstack 4: Reach level 5
3. Backpack 4, Heatstack 9, Arm accesory: Reach level 11
4. Backpack 5, LAARK, Snake Eyes: Reach level 15
5. Belt Accessory 1, Belt Accessory 2, Ring of Life: Reach level 4
6. Black ops helmet, Heatstack 6, Invisibility: Reach level 12
7. Black ops suit, Hybrid variant, Hybrid variant 2: Reach level 10
8. Capelli, Armor 2; Heatstack 1: Reach level 18
9. Chest armor 1, Overload: Reach level 8
10. Chest Armor, Heatstack 10, Backpack 9: Reach level 21
11. Civilian 1, Helmet 2, Helmet 4: Reach level 26
12. Civilian Skin 2; Blue Hat; Steelhead Armor: Reach level 27
13. Clank backpack: Reach level 29
14. Decayed Head, Corpse Head: Reach level 25
15. Grenade Vest, Infected Hale Head, Helmet 1: Reach level 22
16. Heatstack 5, Heatstack 7, Hose tech: Reach level 7
17. Hip Pack 1, Hip Pack, Adrenaline Boost: Reach level 2
18. Hose attachment, Radio, Backpack 2: Reach level 9
19. Hybrid 3 head, Hybrid 3 body: Reach level 14
20. Hybrid 3 Variant Head; Hybrid 3 Variant Body; Heatstack 8: Reach level 17
21. Hybrid, Hybrid 2: Reach level 3
22. Leech Skin, Deminsionater: Reach level 30
23. Nathan Hale Converted Head: Reach level 24
24. Nathan Hale Head, Nathan Hale Body, Backpack 7: Reach level 19
25. Scientist Skin, Scientist Head, Doctor Head, Wrench: Reach level 28
26. Sentinel Suit, Armor 1, and Heatstack 2: Reach level 13
27. Steelhead Head, Steelhead Body, Backpack 8: Reach level 20
28. Steelhead Variant Body, Backpack 10, Steelhead Variant Head: Reach level 23
29. Warner, Hawthorne, Backpack 3: Reach level 16

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